We have listed some of the best things to do in NYC New York City. In this city, you could essentially live a lifetime and accomplish something new every day. Planning a trip to this monster of a metropolis might be intimidating because there is so much to see.

Avoid diving into the Internet’s depths because you’ll simply come out puzzled and with a lot of bags under your eyes.best things to do in nyc

The Statue of Liberty – One of the best things to do in NYC (New York City)

You should absolutely see the Statue of Liberty, it comes under best things to do in nyc. if this is your first time visiting New York City. It is indeed touristy. But it’s like visiting Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower. Just something you have to do!

If you want to see Lady Liberty, there are two options:

a) We advise you to take the Staten Island Ferry for free.

c) Go on a tour.

Best things to do in nyc

 Fly Over New York City

The only way to truly appreciate the enormity of this city is to observe it from above.

The Top of the Rock and the Empire State Building are two of the most well-known structures with good views of New York City among the numerous other structures and rooftop bars, this is among the best things to do in nyc.
If you can only choose one, we advise Top of the Rock since you’ll be able to see the Empire State Building in the skyline, which is New York’s most recognizable view.

best things to do in nyc

Museum Tour

There are more than 80 museums in New York City, and it is impossible to visit them all. There is something for everyone, from edgy choices like the Museum of Sex to classics like the American Museum of Natural History.

It’s up to you which museums you visit:

Do you prefer a less popular museum with fewer visitors?

Do you prefer to watch a classic film instead?

Since it was our first time in New York City, we decided to check out both the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET), two of the most well-known museums in the world.

We would advise you to pick just one museum if you just have a short amount of time in New York or aren’t much of a “museum person.” Even though we only had a little time to see both, we wished we had spent more time in just one to avoid feeling rushed.

Although both museums are remarkable, there are varying views on which is the finest. For families with children, we thought the American Museum of Natural History was preferable.

Best things to do in nyc

9/11 Museum and Memorial

In our opinion, you must go to Ground Zero while in New York City. The museum is highly impressive and effective. We advise arriving as early as possible to beat the crowds because it gets busy.

Oh, and make sure to stop inside the Oculus on the way there; the train station next to Ground Zero is designed to resemble a dove taking flight. If you’re on a budget (or even if you’re not! ), here’s a tip: download the 9/11 Museum Audio Guide app (go through the link to identify the one we’re talking about because there are a couple). Audio guides may be rented at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum for $7. Since all of the audio guides were already reserved when we went, staff advised us to use this, which is exactly the same as the audio tour.

best things to do in nyc

The Yankees match.

If you get the reference, you should try to attend a game while you’re in New York City and looking for best things to do in nyc. One of the most well-known stadiums in the nation is Yankee Stadium, which should be on the bucket lists of all severe sports fans.
However, if you’re short on time or aren’t a big baseball fan, you might want to avoid this. To go to the Bronx and watch the game will take the best part of a day.

best things to do in nyc

High Line – Best Things To Do In NYC

This elevated parkway and path built above a defunct railway is the ideal location to view the city from a different angle. You must visit this place when you are in New York City and looking for best things to do in nyc. This 1.5-mile walk, which is lovely throughout the year, provides vistas of the Hudson River and the skyscrapers that line the Chelsea district.

The High Line may get very crowded depending on the day of the week, so arrive early if you want to avoid the crowds or at sunset for a stunning, though crowded, view.

best things to do in nyc

Brooklyn Bridge 8.

The Brooklyn Bridge, one of the most recognizable bridges in the world, is a must-see on many tourists’ itineraries for New York. Walking the entire distance while snapping pictures and dodging onlookers takes around 20 minutes.

The best time to visit for stunning shots is early in the day when there will be fewer visitors and the lighting will be ideal. It was suitable for us to leave precisely at sunset because of our schedule, and although it was beautiful to watch the sunset behind the cityscape, it was also very busy.

After successfully navigating the bridge, stop by the Empire Fulton Ferry Park or the Main Street Park for some breathtaking views and get to know the Dumbo neighborhood.

Washington Street has a fantastic perspective of the Manhattan Bridge, and Juliana’s Restaurant, which was crowned the greatest pizzeria in the US in 2015, is an excellent choice for lunch or a quick snack.

best things to do in nyc

Central Park

The quality of Central Park matches how it appears in all of the movies. But it was even bigger than we had anticipated.

Our recommendation is to either look at a map and establish a strategy before you go OR be ready to just get lost in its twisting trails and discover some interesting things along the way. It just depends on your preferences and the amount of time you have.

Both are excellent ways to see Central Park. Get ready for an adventure by renting a bike or putting on your walking shoes!
Sheep’s Meadow is a sizable open space where people enjoy playing frisbee and having picnics. Most likely, you have seen this in a movie.

best things to do in nyc

Visiting Governors Island is one of the best things to do in NYC

You don’t have to travel very far to feel like you’ve left the city behind. Governors Island is a few meters from lower Manhattan’s edge. Visiting Governors Island is one of the best things to do in nyc. This 172-acre island has art exhibits, bike routes, and parks, making it a nice place to escape the city’s bustle without actually leaving.

Throughout the summer, the island hosts a tonne of festivals and events. Check out this schedule for Governors Island. From April through October, Governors Island is accessible to the general public by ferry.